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University of Edinburgh partnership renewed!

Primary Engineer is delighted to continue our longstanding partnership with The University of Edinburgh, School of Engineering.

For many years, we have worked together to bring engineering into classrooms throughout the South East Scotland region through our ‘If you were an engineer, what would you do?’ competition and the ‘Primary Engineer Rail programme’, both which enable teachers to confidently embed engineering in their curriculum and, crucially, bring a real-world context into the classroom for pupils.

Primary Engineer was founded in 2005 and engages primary and secondary school pupils and teachers with the vast and inspirational world of engineering and technology. They work with businesses and industry across the UK to help develop a future, diverse generation of engineering and technology professionals.

Jason Stone, Primary Engineer’s Head of Partnerships for Scotland said:

“Our partnership with The University of Edinburgh has had such a great impact on the pupils and teachers in the schools in this area, enabling them to meet and work with engineering professionals and develop essential skills such as problem finding, problem-solving, improving and adapting. Their work on our national competition ‘If you were an engineer, what would you do?’ – from inspiring participants to prototyping their designs – is a testament to the commitment of the University to developing and inspiring future generations of engineers. We’re looking forward to continuing the partnership through our Leaders Award Competition and our Primary Engineer Rail Programme.”

Katie Grant, Student Recruitment and Outreach Officer for the School added:

“Having been proud supporters of Primary Engineer for many years, we have seen the positive impact the on local primary school pupils and the important role these initiatives play in inspiring them about career opportunities in the sector.”