Primary Engineer® Competitions

Readily available teaching resources focus on ‘If you were an engineer, what would you do?’ Leaders Award Competition building creative problem solving skills and career awareness, and STAWARS Climate Change Challenge using data to illustrate the things we can change to make a difference.

Primary Engineer® Competitions

Readily available teaching resources focus on ‘If you were an engineer, what would you do?’ Leaders Award Competition building creative problem solving skills and career awareness, and STAWARS Climate Change Challenge using data to illustrate the things we can change to make a difference.

Leaders Award Competition

A national Competition FREE to all schools in the UK, open to all Pupils aged 3-19 years.

We start the year with a series of online interviews schools can join, and if you can’t join them the recordings are found on our You Tube Channel. We would also encourage you to invite engineers in to be interviewed and we can help with that, just let us know.​

​Pupils and students are encouraged to research the engineers they interview and ask the questions they feel are important. They then look to identify a problem, it can be small or large, but it is the idea we are interested in so the drawing can be simple so long as the engineers who will be reading the entry can understand what the problem is and how it will be solved.​

​Every entry is read by an engineering professional and given a grade Pass, Merit, Distinction or Shortlisted. Each entry receives a certificate with the pupil name and grade on it. Each year group has its own category and two winners are chosen from each so the range of ages extends from 3 year olds to 19 years olds. 

Leaders Award Competition

A national Competition FREE to all schools in the UK, open to all Pupils aged 3-19 years.

We start the year with a series of online interviews schools can join, and if you can’t join them the recordings are found on our You Tube Channel. We would also encourage you to invite engineers in to be interviewed and we can help with that, just let us know.​

​Pupils and students are encouraged to research the engineers they interview and ask the questions they feel are important. They then look to identify a problem, it can be small or large, but it is the idea we are interested in so the drawing can be simple so long as the engineers who will be reading the entry can understand what the problem is and how it will be solved.​

​Every entry is read by an engineering professional and given a grade Pass, Merit, Distinction or Shortlisted. Each entry receives a certificate with the pupil name and grade on it. Each year group has its own category and two winners are chosen from each so the range of ages extends from 3 year olds to 19 years olds. 

See what it's all about

See what it's all about

A Primary and Secondary School Data and Climate Change Challenge with multiple curriculum links to science, mathematics, computing, engineering as well as English and geography, open to both primary and secondary school pupils across the UK.

STATWARS® is a data project, with multiple curriculum links to science, mathematics, computing, engineering as well as English and geography, open to both primary and secondary school pupils across the UK.

The competition enables young people to become STATWARRIORS investigating and presenting data it to inform decision making.  Pupils follow simple or complex lines of enquiry from start to finish, conjecture relationships and generalisations in order to develop coherent, justified arguments that are based on thorough data analysis.

To access the teaching resources and data professional videos register on our STATWARS website.

A Primary and Secondary School Data and Climate Change Challenge with multiple curriculum links to science, mathematics, computing, engineering as well as English and geography, open to both primary and secondary school pupils across the UK.

STATWARS® is a data project, with multiple curriculum links to science, mathematics, computing, engineering as well as English and geography, open to both primary and secondary school pupils across the UK.

The competition enables young people to become STATWARRIORS investigating and presenting data it to inform decision making.  Pupils follow simple or complex lines of enquiry from start to finish, conjecture relationships and generalisations in order to develop coherent, justified arguments that are based on thorough data analysis.

To access the teaching resources and data professional videos register on our STATWARS website.

See what it's all about

See what it's all about