Primary Engineer

Get on board for Rail Week 2024!

We are bringing Rail into classrooms around the UK with our Rail Programme which allows classes in Key Stages 1 and 2 to take part in a practical CPD project,…

Primary Engineer

National Apprentice Week 2024 with Baxi and Primary Engineer

National Apprenticeship Week (5th – 11th February) is an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of apprentices and highlight the positive impact they make to communities, businesses, and the wider economy….


Ulster University creating The Careful Kettle

Ulster University will turn Year 7 pupil Thomas’ Careful Kettle idea into reality for their prototype build as part of a continued partnership between Ulster University and Primary Engineer. Ulster…


University of Southampton creating the Seed Planting Drone

University of Southampton will turn Year 2 pupil Emily’s Seed Planting Drone idea into reality for their prototype build as part of a continued partnership between University of Southampton and…

Leader's Award

Thales engineers inspired by pupil’s engineering ideas

On 24th January we were in Reading with 15 volunteers from Thales UK, one of our National Partners, for our first grading day of the year! But what is a grading day? 🤔…

Supporters and Partners

PEAK Scientific proudly partners with Primary Engineer

PEAK Scientific has partnered with Primary Engineer, who bring engineering into classrooms around the UK with fully-funded programs and competitions to inspire pupils to become engineers in the making. The…

Primary Engineer

When I grow up I’m going to be an engineer!

When Emily’s daughter, Alannah, took part in our annual STEM Competition along with the rest of her friends at Welton Primary School, no one could have anticipated the extraordinary impact…


Canterbury Christ Church University creating the Handy Greywater Pump

Canterbury Christ Church University will turn Year 3 pupil Charlie’s Handy Greywater Pump idea into reality for their prototype build as part of a continued partnership between Canterbury Christ Church…


Queen’s University Belfast creating the Moving Solar panel Prototype

Queen’s University of Belfast, The School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science will turn P6 pupil Sam’s solar panel idea into reality for their first prototype build under a…

Primary Engineer

Mark your calendar for British Science Week!

Start planning for British Science Week! Primary Engineer’s fully-funded whole-school STEM competition is perfect for the 10-day celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths. British Science Week British Science Week…