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The Rogers Knight Award has been created by Primary Engineer in partnership with the British Compressed Air Society (BCAS) to recognise engineers who, working with teachers through the Primary Engineer Programmes, are inspiring pupils to consider a future in the industry.


Rogers Knight lived to the age of 99 and was an engineer who, throughout his life, inspired everyone he met. He was a President of the British Compressed Air Society (BCAS), amongst many other achievements, and it is they who wanted to celebrate his inspirational life. The Primary Engineer Rogers Knight Award was established in 2015, with the first award presented in November 2016.



Teachers and pupils were invited to nominate the engineer who has supported our work in schools, identifying why they should receive recognition. We took these nominations to the BCAS Board meeting to be considered and left the members with the difficult decision of which engineer was worthy of the accolade?


The winner by some considerable margin was Burnley’s own Vicki Goldsworthy from Futaba Manufacturing who was nominated by Cherryfold School for supporting them in every Primary Engineer programme – Structures, Mechanisms and Basic Electrics and the Leaders Award. As winners Vicki and a guest along with the teachers who nominated Vicki have been invited to attend the BCAS Annual Lunch and awards ceremony at the Savoy in London at the end of November. Check next month’s newsletter for pictures and news from the event.