Featured - Primary Engineer https://www.primaryengineer.com Primary Engineer bringing engineering into the classroom inspiring children, pupils, teachers parents and engineers since 2005. Wed, 03 Jul 2024 14:57:29 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://www.primaryengineer.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/cropped-primeng_favicon-01-32x32.png Featured - Primary Engineer https://www.primaryengineer.com 32 32 Burnley Business Awards 2017 https://www.primaryengineer.com/burnley-business-awards-2017/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=burnley-business-awards-2017 Tue, 04 Apr 2017 07:29:03 +0000 http://primaryengineer.com/?p=1 Burnley Business Awards only happens every 2 years, being held at one of Burnley historic hidden gems Towneley Hall. Being greeted by some very friendly bush people and gigantic walking...

The post Burnley Business Awards 2017 first appeared on Primary Engineer.

Burnley Business Awards only happens every 2 years, being held at one of Burnley historic hidden gems Towneley Hall. Being greeted by some very friendly bush people and gigantic walking trees outside the grounds of Towneley park, definitely made the Awards evening a unique event. We were welcomed with a champagne reception inside the beautiful Towneley Hall itself. We were then seated forthe evening within a marquee in the grounds where a series of entertainers from magicians to a local youth theatre group to comedy kitchen staff lead up to the Awards.



















Primary Engineer had been shortlisted for the Small Business Award which, unfortunately, we didn’t win.

We would like to congratulate Seriun on being highly commended and Ian Mankin for winning the award!

The team was enjoying the evening and was very delighted be to be part of such an extraordinary special event. However, to our surprise we were awarded by Pam Smith Chief Executive of Burnley Borough Council the Chief Executive’s Special Award Bringing Business & Industry Together!!! The whole team are over the moon and delighted to have such a special award in our office.

Not only did we win an award, we also won a bottle of champagne courtesy of Peter Scott Printers who do a selfie competition at the Awards night. So the team stole Mark Crabtree OBE Founder and Managing Director of AMS Neve, 3 generations of Scurlock, the Founder and Chief Executive Dr Susan Scurlock as well as her daughter and her mum and of course our Operations Director Victoria Lane and together created a boomerang to win and bag that bottle of champagne.

The post Burnley Business Awards 2017 first appeared on Primary Engineer.
